Saturday, July 27, 2019

Drinking Absinthe At The Old Absinthe House

Among several recent additions to our collection, is this vintage postcard of the The Old Absinthe House, sent May 1st, 1909.

The front of the postcard is a fairly common image, but what was written on the back, was quite fascinating as the text reads: "Absinthe is a great French drink, this is the only place in this country where they drip it, Holes are worn in the marble, an inch deep."

Another somewhat later version of the same C.B. Mason postcard was sent to tell of the sender celebrating the night of Repeal of Prohibition.

The postcard writer mentions: "This is where I spent the night of repeal", "You Have No Idea What Absinthe Does To The Soft Southern Drawl".

One might wonder whether it was left over pre-ban absinthe, or perhaps some of Mr. Legendre's early product to toast the end of prohibition.

 It must have been quite an evening...